
Indian Philosophical Wisdom: Some Glimpses-Mukta Biswas-D.K. Printworld-9788124610022

The title of the book Indian Philosophical Wisdom: Some Glimpses itself signifies its importance. In..

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Aryabhata Krita: Aryabhatiya (आर्यभट कृत: आर्यभटीय)-KEDARNATH SHUKLA-9788124611678-DKPW

केदारनाथ शुक्ल (जन्म ग्राम विशुनपुर मंगुरही, कुशीनगर, उ˚प्र˚) ने गाेरखपुर विश्वविद्यालय से एम˚एस˚सी...

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Brhadaranyaka Upanisad — Vol. 3 Khila Kanda-Nitya Chaitanya Yati-DKPD-9788124600658

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad is one of the ten major Upanishads. A dialectical narration that ..

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Brhadaranyaka Upanisad — Vol. 2 Muni Kanda-Nitya Chaitanya Yati-DKPD-9788124600474

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad is one of the ten major Upanishads. A dialectical narration that ..

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Buddhist Theory of Meaning and Literary Analysis-Rajnish Kumar Mishra-DKPD-9788124601181

For over two millennia, language has been one of the prime concerns in nearly all philosophica..

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Companion to Dharmasastra-Sures Chandra Banerji-DKPD-9788124600986

Dharmashastra is not just a corpus of scriptural texts. It is rather a genre, in its own right, o..

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Darshan Mala-Shri Narayanaguru Vircita-DKPD-9788124601099

Darsanamala written in Sanskrit is one of the major works of Narayana Guru. Consisting of 100 ..

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Devotional Poetics and the Indian Sublime-Vijay Mishra-DKPD-9788124601563

The last two decades of the twentieth century have been marked by an immense revival of interest ..

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Kadambarinataka of Narasimha-Hideaki Sato-DKPD-9788124600641

It is the first ever English translation of Narasimha’s Kadambarinataka. And also its first cr..

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